What We do

The George B. Carter Serteens Club of Hawaii has been serving gifted and talented teens in Hawaii since 1972.

Why Join Serteens?

  • Leadership. Serteens gain valuable leadership and life skills through seminars and activities at camps, guest speeches from community leaders, and opportunities to serve on committees or as officers.
  • Friendship. In the Serteen Program, members build lasting friendships with other gifted and talented students from different schools.
  • Service. Through their extracurricular community service projects, Serteens have the opportunity to serve mankind, and also give themselves an extra edge when applying for scholarships and college admissions.
  • Networking. Serteen members also benefit from contacts through the Serteen Alumni network.  As just one small example, we have alumni that have attended a variety of colleges, and in many different majors. For Serteens curious about a particular major or career field, we are often able to find someone to help provide guidance among our alumni.  Serteens have met up everywhere from Los Angeles to New York and even taken international trips together.  It’s very comforting being able to move to a new city and already has the beginnings of a support network:  with former members living across the world, graduates are never far from their Serteens family.


In 1972 the Oahu chapter of Sertoma, a non-profit organization, elected to serve Hawaii’s community through the gifted and talented students of Hawaii in all public and private schools.

This group, under the charge of Col. Ed Jurkens and Major George B. Carter founded The Lyle Knoll Memorial Serteens Club of Hawaii.

Over a thousand of Hawaii’s gifted and talented students have now been a part of the Serteens program.

Many continue to aid the community throughout their adult lives, including as part of Sertoma.

Image: Star Bulletin Notice of Club Formation June 11, 1972 (Click to Enlarge)

In April 1973 the Serteens Club of Hawaii is chartered by the Honolulu Sertoma Club.

Renamed In Honor of George B. Carter

In July 2004 the Lyle Knoll Memorial Serteens Club of Hawaii was renamed the George B. Carter Serteens Club of Hawaii to honor one of the founders of the club.

In 2011 George Carter passed away in West Hills, California.

George B. Carter aided mankind and devoted his life to motivating gifted and talented teens everywhere.

May I Slay A Dragon For You?

George Carter left behind his legacy in the Serteens Club of Hawaii, as well as memories and life lessons in his book May I Slay A Dragon For You? The Hawaii Serteens Story.

While future Serteens will never meet George Carter, we have many links to the past in our Serteens Advisors: including retired LTC Darryl Ching, the original president of the Serteens Club of Hawaii in 1972!

Now after over five decades of service, The Serteens Club of Hawaii continues its mission to provide gifted and talented students opportunities for personal growth, friendship, leadership training, and service to mankind.